CUSTOMS:Operators in charge of electronic customs declarations to be transmitted to administrations.
Preparation and electronic transmission of import/export customs declarations, ECS and NCTS declarations.
Software (input/interface) and transmission via the secure PASScom via Conex™ communication platform.
Optimise your electronic customs declaration process
CUSTOMS via conex™ is a complete and modular SaaS solution devoted to the administrative management of electronic customs clearance operations for all customs procedures.
♦ Covers all the DELTA G C/D, DELTA IE, NSTI/NCTS, ECS customs procedures and monitors the customs warehousing and inward/outward processing special procedures
♦ Integrates easily into all company IT environments
♦ Exclusivity! The LOGISTICOM™ (logistics and commercial data) functionality automates your customs declaration management as much as possible
Reliability and ease of use for your customs procedures
CUSTOMS via conex™ meets the requirements of electronic customs clearance regulations in force in France and a number of other European countries, enabling declarants to process all their import declarations in complete compliance with customs administrations.
♦ Automatic calculation of statistical and customs values and assessments
♦ Seamless integration with Special Procedures (Customs Warehousing and Inward/Outward Processing) and NCTS
♦ National and EU Centralised Clearance capabilities
♦ A continually updated database that includes customs procedure codes, additional codes, countries, currencies, incoterms, natures of transactions etc.
♦ Comprehensive configurable master files for declaration pre-filling ease
♦ Guarantee management and tracking
♦ ECS Export Control System: dematerialised ‘proof of exit’ formalities, for goods leaving the EU customs territory, electronic exchange of ECS messages with the relevant customs administration
Your declaration security
Solutions tested and approved by customs = Obtaining certification
1/For the software part of CUSTOMS via conex™ for its processing of customs declarations in accordance with the regulations.
2/ For its electronic exchange with the PASScom via conex™ EDI platform which respects the various security protocols for communication with the administration servers.
CONEX has been accompanying its customers for more than 30 years through all the critical stages of the evolution of their customs information system. In the context of the dematerialisation of documentary exchanges and the harmonisation of European customs administrations, the implementation of major projects such as electronic customs clearance, EMCS, AEO, ECS, ICS, we constantly maintain our relations and expertise with regards to local customs so as to be at your side when the time comes…
Customs Tariff and CUSTOMS via conex™ become one!
Regulatory information applicable to your commodity codes are inserted automatically thanks to the CUSTOMS ENCYCLOPAEDIA assistant: EU additional codes, national additional codes, specific tariff arrangements, attached documents and taxation units. It’s a real assistant in the TARIC file and in the declaration!
ZEN via conex™ is an international customs collaboration platform for exchanging, centralising, tracking and archiving all the information required for the customs process. It records the documents, data and messages related to your imports/exports, from their pre-declaration phase to their archival storage.