Frequently Asked Questions: DELTA I/E
- Who is concerned by DELTA I/E?
This new DELTA I/E service concerns all operators who import and/or export goods from and/or to territories located outside the European Union, along with their customs representatives.
It also covers exchanges between mainland France and overseas territories.
- What is DELTA I/E?
DELTA I/E (I for Import / E for Export) refers to the new import and export customs clearance service put in place by French customs.
- What happens to the existing DELTA G and X services?
DELTA I/E replaces all existing customs clearance applications (DELTA G-DELTA X Import and Export).
- What is the deadline for operators to switchover DELTA I/E for importation?
Customs announced that it was postponing the switchover to the DELTA I/E Import component, initially scheduled for 31/12/2023.
The new deadline has not yet been announced.
- What is the deadline for operators to switchover DELTA I/E for exportation?
According to the latest calendar published by customs, the deadline for switching over to DELTA I/E export 31.12.2024.
- When can you switch from DELTA G/X to DELTA I/E?
We are awaiting the announcement of the new implementation schedule which will be communicated by Customs.
- Why is there a new customs declaration?
The Union Customs Code (UCC), imposing the modernisation, standardisation and digitalisation of customs processes for tomorrow, has brought about the emergence of a new customs declaration.
- What do the new declaration symbols H1, B1 and H7 mean?
H1 = Import declaration
B1 = Export declaration
H7 = Import declaration in the context of e-commerce - From when will the SAD no longer be available?
Toggle Content The SAD will no longer be available once DELTA I/E goes into production.
- What are the 3 segments of the new customs declaration?
On an IT level, the data of the new customs declaration are included in 3 segments:
D – Data elements required at a generic level of the declaration
GS – Data elements required at goods transfer level
SI – Data elements required at item level - What are the 10 thematic groups of the new customs declaration?
11. Message information (including procedure codes)
12. Message references, documents, certificates and authoirsations
13. Parties
14. Valuation information / Taxes
15. Dates / Times / Periods
16. Places / Countries / Regions
17. Customs offices
18. Goods identification
19. Transport information (modes, means and equipment)
99. Other data elements (statistical data, guarantees, tariff-related data - What will happen to SAD box 44?
The data contained in the old ‘catch-all’ box 44 will be divided into the different thematic data groups.
Its content will be dispatched, and better organised.
For example, additiona information is now in thematic group 12, dedicated to documents, certificates and authorisations.
The National Additional codes are now in thematic group 18, dedicated to goods identification.
- Will it be possible to perform rectifications or invalidations on declarations transmitted via Delta G once we have switched to Delta I/E?
Yes, it will be possible to make rectifications or invalidations as long as Delta G is active.
- What is the new deadline for drawing up rectification and invalidation requests in DELTA I/E?
Previously limited to twelve months, the time limit for filing requests for rectification and invalidation has been extended to three years.
- Is the (French) Global Supplementary Declaration (DCG) disappearing?
Yes, the DCG will disappear. However, other types of additional declarations are proposed under the ‘two-step’ procedure.
- How is a declaration submitted in two stages?
First, you file a simplified declaration (DS) with a minimum set of data, then, within a time limit set in your authorisation, you file a supplementary declaration (DC) containing all the required data and accompanying documents.
- What is a Supplementary Declaration?
A supplementary declaration includes all the data from the Simplified Declaration and the required accompanying documents.
- How are the DS (Simplified Declaration) and the DC (Supplementary Declaration) reconciled?
Each declaration (DS and DC) receives its own declaration number. The MRN assigned to the DS must imperatively be included on the DC as the previous document.
- What are the different types of supplementary declarations proposed?
The 3 types of supplementary declaration are:
General, filed no more than 10 days after the BAE (Release of Goods) of the simplified declaration (DS): 1 supplementary declaration (DC) per DS;
Periodic, filed no more than 10 days after the period provided for in the authorisation: 1 DC per DS;
Summary, filed no more than 10 days after the period provided for in the authorisation: several DS for one DC.
- Can a supplementary declaration be modified after its validation?
No, any modification to a validated supplementary declaration is impossible. However, you can make a request for rectification and invalidation of the supplementary declaration.
- How are customs duty and tax payments regularised in the event of a Supplementary Declaration (DC)?
The payment of duties and taxes is made:
– either during the supplementary declaration (general, periodic or summary)
– or with payment deferral according to the same rules as currently, taking into account the date of the supplementary declaration.
- Following the disappearance of the D48 under DELTA I/E, what solution is put in place in the event of missing documents?
A simplified declaration (DS) should be drawn up without including the unknown document(s), then, in a second step, when the documents are received, the missing document(s) should be added to the supplementary declaration (DC) .
This solution is applicable for 1-step or 2-step procedures.
- What will happen to the EAV (waiting for validation)?
Unless decided otherwise, French Customs is moving towards abandoning the EAV. As a result, the declarant will no longer be able to abandon a declaration in the progress, nor view the assessment.
The solution is to establish a declaration in advance.
- In DELTA I/E, what will happen to the Customs Credit (CE) and the Miscellaneous Cash Deposits (COD)?
The CE and the COD will be replaced by a guarantee code according to the same principle as the transit guarantee.
- Can a customs declaration be made with several currencies in DELTA I/E?
No, in a single declaration, all the amounts must be expressed in one and the same currency.
- What is a CRN?
CRN stands for: Custom Registration Number, or Customs reference number: this is the reference number assigned by the competent customs authority upon registration of import or export declarations in the system.
- How many Simplified Declarations (DS) can be included in the summary Supplementary Declaration (CD)?
According to the recommendations of the EUCDM (EU Customs Data Model version 6.2), a DC can contain up to 9999 DS.
Customs informed us that, for the moment, the summary supplementary declaration is not open to operators: the question of the number of DS accepted in a summary CD will be decided later. - Can a declaration be made in the event of consolidation on import?
Import consolidation declarations are no longer authorised to be made.
In the new import customs declaration, the ‘Importer’ data is only present in the header and no longer in the lines.
- We are a CONEX customer. As part of DELTA I, do we have to change software?
No, a simple update of your module is mandatory.
It will be offered to you in due course.
- What will happen to the attached documents concerning the link with GUN?
The imputation sheets are no longer used, an imputation will be done directly thanks to the document.
-> no response from customs yet
- Is this number systematically issued in addition to the declaration MRN?
Delta I/E will communicate 3 numbers to the operator: 1 CRN number for the advance filing, a DS number for the DS and an additional number for the completion: to be confirmed: no response from customs for the moment
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