Frequently Asked Questions: Customs, Import Control System, ICS 2
The European Union is implementing the safety and security program for the risk analysis of goods before their arrival in the European territory.
The new ICS2 system aims to collect information about goods prior to their arrival into the EU with more efficiency and to perform checks, where required, while ensuring fluid international trade movements.
Release 1 : pre-loading messages for air postal and express consignments
Release 2 : general air cargo
Release 3: martime and inland waterways, road and rail cargo
Initially programmed by the EU to go live in March 2023.
Please note: this phase has been prolonged with the Deployment Window
Yes, it’s called the “Deployment Window” and it ends on 1st October 2023, so no Big Bang!
All goods transported by air in postal, express and general cargo consignments will be subject to pre-loading filing requirements, followed by complete pre-arrival ENS data requirements.
ENS – UCC = 127, 129, 130, 136 – Delegated Act: Required data as defined in Annex B
Yes, ICS2 also applies to Switzerland and Norway.
In the context of the Northern Ireland Protocol, Northern Ireland is also included in the scope of ICS2.
Yes, please refer to the Delegated Act and the required data as defined in Annex B.
Annex B of the UCC Delegated Act defines the data (formats and codifications) expected.
Greater consistency in all processes before customs clearance and in some cases the possibility of reusing data elements in pre- and post-customs clearance procedures.
Yes, you still need to have an EORI to file a declaration under ICS2.
The EORI is used as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information.
It is recommended that a group chooses only one EORI to use for all ICS declaration filings.
The SAFE via conex™ solution will have the required connection for exchanging EDI messages with a European IT system.
SAFE via conex™ is the solution developed by CONEX to manage advance security declarations that must be lodged prior to the importation of goods into certain customs territories and countries. Our solution complies with the World Customs Organisation’s SAFE Framework of Standards. SAFE via conex™ respects the regulations of each country as well as the various communication protocols with the relevant customs administration servers.
With SAFE via conex™ , you benefit from an intuitive and reliable work interface, completely freed from the technical constraints associated with the transmission of security messages. In the context of the new British customs formalities brought about by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, SAFE via conex™ provides a connection to the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) and S&S GB (Safety & Security) system.
The SAFE via conex™ solution will make data entry easier for those of you who do not have a large volumes of declarations to prepare.
SAFE via conex™ is the solution developed by CONEX to manage advance security declarations that must be lodged prior to the importation of goods into certain customs territories and countries. Our solution complies with the World Customs Organisation’s SAFE Framework of Standards. SAFE via conex™ respects the regulations of each country as well as the various communication protocols with the relevant customs administration servers.
With SAFE via conex™ , you benefit from an intuitive and reliable work interface, completely freed from the technical constraints associated with the transmission of security messages. In the context of the new British customs formalities brought about by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, SAFE via conex™ provides a connection to the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) and S&S GB (Safety & Security) system.
Once you hold an EORI, consult CONEX to learn more about the steps to take as an economic operator.
The new features in ICS2 as opposed to ICS1 include:
– whereas in the context of ICS1, the ENS data is filed in a single message, ICS2 opens the way to multiple filing.
– whereas the ENS is filed after the aircraft is loaded in ICS1, ICS2 imposes a reduced ENS dataset, including PLACI data, to be filed prior to the loading.
– ICS1 ENS is filed as a single declaration. For ICS2 there are multiple message combinations, both pre-loading and pre-arrival datasets to choose from, depending on the EO’s operational methods.
– There is no Do Not Load (DNL) for goods transported by air in ICS1. Release 2 of ICS2 sees not only the introduction of a DNL, but also other so-called “Referral” notifications.
– Compared to ICS1, there is the requirement to provide more detailed House-level data, including a commodity code of at least 6 characters AND a detailed description of the goods.
The new version of ICS is made up of several steps:
Step 1: the “pre-loading” message must be filed as early as possible and at least before the loading of the aircraft.
Step 2: the complete ENS declaration must be filed before the arrival of the aircraft.
Step 3: the arrival notification must be filed.
Risk analysis is performed on the data sent in the “pre-loading” message AND on the complete data filed in the “pre-arrival” message.
The following steps fall under PNTS (Presentation/Notification).
This is followed by the usual customs import process.
Filing or lodging of ICS2 data must be via an electronic transmission only.
This can be performed through the SAFE via conex™ application.
SAFE via conex™ is the solution developed by CONEX to manage advance security declarations that must be lodged prior to the importation of goods into certain customs territories and countries. Our solution complies with the World Customs Organisation’s SAFE Framework of Standards. SAFE via conex™ respects the regulations of each country as well as the various communication protocols with the relevant customs administration servers.
With SAFE via conex™ , you benefit from an intuitive and reliable work interface, completely freed from the technical constraints associated with the transmission of security messages. In the context of the new British customs formalities brought about by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, SAFE via conex™ provides a connection to the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) and S&S GB (Safety & Security) system.
The ENS is necessary for each consignment.
The Member States support the operators in their procedures related to conformance testing
DG Taxud is the STI owner and supplier. It elaborates the functional and technical specifications.
It participates in tests. It provides a training environment and training material.
It’s also the Economic Operators including different supply chain actors such as carriers, freight forwarders, IT service providers etc.
The carrier bringing the goods into the EU (customs territory of the EU), has to lodge an ENS.
When the carrier does not dispose of the required particulars, some data elements may be lodged by the operator other than the carrier …
– Importer, exporters
– Carriers
– Handlers
– Logistics service providers
– Customs representatives.
The minimum dataset must be lodged as early as possible and at the latest before the goods are loaded onto the aircraft.
The complete ENS dataset is lodged at the time of the actual departure when the duration of the flight is less than 4 hours.
For flights longer than 4 hours, the complete data set must be lodged at least 4 hours before arrival.
If the customs authorities have not received the required ICS2 data, at the least the goods may be stopped by customs.
A minimum of 6- and maximum 8-digit codes per product type will be requested.
A detailed description of the goods is also mandatory.
From F20 to F29 for goods transported by air.
The principles and concept of PLACI (Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information) emanating from the WCO and ICAO, govern the information to be provided about the cargo prior to loading the aircraft.
The PLACI message refers to a 7+1 minimum data set transmitted before the cargo is loaded onto the aircraft in the third country. Please contact us for more details.
In addition to the 7+1 data elements of the PLACI, the pre-arrival message contains a number of important data elements such as the types of packages, the customs offices, the modes of payment etc.
Movement reference number
No, each message will be the object of an MRN.
Our solution will enable you to manage each MRN.
Yes, the CONEX solution allows you to follow the status of each message and will return the MRN to you. See also explanations about the new RFI, RFS and DNL.
At the Pre-loading phase, it is complicated if not impossible to have the departure time and the complete information regarding transport.
Multiple filing means that the declaration is composed of two or more filings corresponding to two or more prescribed data-sets.
The Master filing is generally submitted by the carrier.
Other parties involved, such as the freight forwarders, can intervene at the house filing level.
Here are some examples of the different scenarios:
– Single-filing by the carrier
– Double-filing by the carrier and the consignee (several scenarios possible)
Multiple-filing generally includes the carrier, the consignor, the consignee or their freight forwarders.
Different scenarios are defined by the European Commission.
The carriers and the freight forwarders (FF) are required to anticipate, and to define clearly the arrangements about who will file which message and when and based on which data elements.
Any introduction of goods which could bring about the destruction of the aircraft such as IEDs (Improvised Explosice Device) or IID (Improvised incendiary device) also known as parcel bombs.
Yes! ICS1 saw the possibility of a DNL in the context of containerised goods transported by sea.
A DNL for air transport is one of the main new features of ICS2.
If the submitted information about the goods to be loaded points to an obvious treat, even after further investigation in the form of a request for additional information or amendment (RfI) and a request for the goods to be scanned (RfS).
English will be the main language of communication in this context.
All the parties having filed informations will receive a message in the event of a DNL.
Both operators providing data at House level or those providing data at Master level can use the Conex solution to exchange with the first point of entry country into the EU.
Request For Amendment
Request For Information
Request For Screening
Yes, in the event that EU risk analysis triggers issues concerning goods to be transported by air, a notification in the form of a so-called “referral” code may be returned to the EO.
If the customs authorities consider that the information received from the economic operator is insufficient, they may request additional information in order to refine their risk analysis.
The EO may receive:
1 RfI,
1 RfS
or 1 DNL
– If the data provided is not sufficient, the customs authorities will send an RfI.
– If the customs authorities require better quality data, they may send a RfA.
– If a risk is detected, they may send an RfS and if such a risk is confirmed, the EO will receive a DNL.
Yes, our application will process all cases; it will be able to manage all exchanges between the operator and customs.
SAFE via conex™ is the solution developed by CONEX to manage advance security declarations that must be lodged prior to the importation of goods into certain customs territories and countries. Our solution complies with the World Customs Organisation’s SAFE Framework of Standards. SAFE via conex™ respects the regulations of each country as well as the various communication protocols with the relevant customs administration servers.
With SAFE via conex™ , you benefit from an intuitive and reliable work interface, completely freed from the technical constraints associated with the transmission of security messages. In the context of the new British customs formalities brought about by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, SAFE via conex™ provides a connection to the GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) and S&S GB (Safety & Security) system.
A request for Information is a notification sent by the customs to the filing operator requesting further details on the particulars of the ENS.
Yes in this case the type and number of the document will be requested?
The EO must send a response by picking from a series of codes such as Codes ‘A00’, ‘B00’, ‘B01’, ‘C00’, ‘C01’, ‘D00’, ‘D01’, ‘D02’, ‘ S00’ and ‘S01’.
Textual information is also possible combined with codes.
If a consignment (cargo or postal) is considered high risk, Customs may request screening to complete the initial pre-loading risk analysis.
– Depending on the case, the EO can provide information that the screening has been carried out and provide information on the result obtained.
– The EO can also undertake to carry out the screening if it has not already been carried out and communicate the result.
– If the goods are no longer on the EO’s premises, the latter and customs agree on the place best equipped to carry out this screening.
Yes, the customs authorities issue a message indicating to the operator who provided the data that the assessment is complete.
Some examples of questions to ask yourselves:
– Have you adapted your processes?
– Do you have the required data at the right moment?
– Are the data elements reliable and complete?
– Have you well-defined the roles of the different actors: carrier, house-level filer, notify party etc?
– How will you manage and follow up on a DNL?Your EDI service provider, CONEX, will take care of all these tests for you.
It enables secure access to various applications.
The operators/editors must identify themselves via the UUM&DS.
Different levels of identification has been defined.
Yes and No
Yes, the messages must be sealed with a registered certificate,
but no, not necessary for the economic operator as a certificate will be managed by Conex who is considered as “sender”, therefore making it possible to manage the messages.Please contact us for more details.
Each MS manages its own list of Trusted Certificate Authorities.
National Service Desks should offer an in-depth level of support.
At this stage, Conex, as your IT provider, has the delicate mission of seeking to deepen all the questions and find the answers from different administrations.
The central DG TAXUD helpdesk is only there to assist the national services in the context of unresolved tickets at the national level.
In any case, do not hesitate to submit your questions/doubts to the CONEX team.